Writing Rules

There are no fees required to submit or publish an article in EDAG ONLINE. The journal is published three times a year, in April, August, and December. Your article must fall within the journal’s scope and meet the required quality standards. Articles that do not align with the journal’s scope will not be considered for review. To determine whether your article is suitable, please refer to the “Aims and Scope” section of the journal.

Additionally, your article must be your original work, and you must have obtained all necessary permissions for reproducing any copyrighted materials that are not your own, including figures, tables, extended quotations, or any other previously published content. Authors bear full responsibility for securing these permissions.

  • Articles should not exceed 8,000 words, including references, but excluding tables and figures.
  • The title should be concise, descriptive, and reflective of the article’s content, with a maximum of 15 words.
  • The abstract should summarize the research's purpose, methodology, key findings, and recommendations in 150–300 words, without structured sections.
  • Keywords should be placed after the abstract and should include 3–5 words.

Manuscript Submission Components

Your submission should consist of two separate files:

  1. Title Page
  2. Main Text

Title Page Requirements:

The title page must include the following information:

  • Article title
  • Full list of authors, including their affiliated institutions
  • ORCID ID for each author
  • Corresponding author’s contact information, including name, institutional address, phone number, and email
  • Acknowledgments section (if applicable): Any acknowledgments should be included at the end of the manuscript and should mention contributors who do not meet authorship criteria.
  • Conflict of Interest Statement: Authors must declare that there are no conflicts of interest among them regarding the publication of the article.
  • Funding Statement: Authors must disclose whether any financial support was received during the preparation of the manuscript.
  • Ethical Approval and Informed Consent Statements (if applicable).

Main Text Requirements

The main text of the manuscript should include the following sections:

  • Introduction
  • Methodology
  • Findings
  • Discussion and Conclusion
  • Limitations
  • Theoretical and Practical Implications
  • References

Journal Writing Guidelines

Articles submitted to EDAG Online must be formatted according to the Turkish or English Article Template and comply with the APA 7th Edition citation style.

  • Articles should be written in Palatino Linotype, 11-point font, with single-line spacing.
  • The Turkish version of the manuscript must not exceed 20 pages, including the abstract, tables, figures, references, acknowledgments, and appendices.
  • To ensure an unbiased review process, all identifying information (such as author names, affiliations, and institutions) should be removed from the manuscript file before uploading it to the system.

Submission Process & Peer Review

  • When uploading manuscripts to the journal system, it is crucial to correctly enter metadata such as abstracts, keywords (both in Turkish and English), and references.
  • The peer review process in this journal follows a double-anonymized review system, meaning that both the authors' and reviewers' identities remain concealed.
  • Initial Evaluation: The manuscript will first be checked for compliance with submission guidelines. If it does not meet the required criteria, it will be sent back for revisions before undergoing peer review. If the manuscript is outside the journal’s scope or deemed unsuitable, it may be rejected before the peer review stage.
  • Peer Review & Editorial Decision: Once the manuscript passes the initial evaluation, it will be sent for peer review. The review process typically takes 4–6 weeks from the initial submission. The final decision on all manuscripts is made by the journal editor.
  • Authors can track the status of their submissions via the article submission system.