Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Conflicts-of-Interest Statement


Editors ought to oversee the review procedure and retain the authority to reject any manuscript in the event of a conflict of interest. They must not have any direct personal or financial conflict with the manuscripts they are assigned. If they are co-authors or authors of the manuscript, they cannot be assigned as editors to that manuscript.


Reviewers are responsible for declining the review process if any substantial conflicts of interest exist. In case of any doubt, they should consult the editor to decide on the review process. Researchers from the authors' institutions cannot be considered peer reviewers to prevent any conflicts of interest.


According to EDAG Online's publication policies, only researchers who contributed to the papers are considered authors. Authors are responsible for revealing all personal and financial affiliations that may influence their work. To explain conflicts of interest issues, authors must send an email or submit it through the journal system to the editorial office along with their submission, stating whether or not any potential conflicts exist.

Prepared by the publisher, reviewed, and approved by EDAG Online Editors and commissioned Editorial Board Members.